HOB: A Story of Excellence, Integrity, and Credibility

House of Brains' history is rooted in the initial steps of the BMI Brazilian Management Institute consultancy – later renamed with its current name, BMI, Blue Management Institute – which operated with a focus on strategic-financial planning in the early years of the 21st century. In 2008, the consultancy expanded its core business to the organizational development of large companies, now with extensive culture and leadership projects, from the point of view of partner and CEO Daniel Augusto Motta, an economist who has always viewed private organizations as important promotion agents of well-being and political articulation in civil society. In addition to economists and financiers, psychologists, sociologists, philosophers, architects, physicists, and computer scientists join the group. Since then, BMI has been responsible for several of the most prominent organizational transformations in the country, consolidating itself as a reference brand in this competitive advisory segment and an agent of positive transformation for companies committed to generating shared value for society – this is the inspiring purpose that guides the group since then.
The trajectory has never ceased to be guided by integrity. A path without shortcuts, which required studies, research, intellectual capital development, and long-lasting relationships, always paved by customer satisfaction at each delivery.

Incorporating edutainment

With a consolidated reputation and credibility among the top leadership of the largest Brazilian companies, BMI expanded its excellence projects to other organizational layers. In 2019, the group acquired Be – LiveLearning, a soft skills development company in the corporate environment, led by partners Alessandra Lotufo and Daniella Russo. The group immersed itself in research and studies in the following months, publishing the report called The outstanding professional. In the spring of 2020, Bossa.etc appears. A content tech company that promotes edutainment based on the IMPACT© authorial methodology to boost engagement and knowledge retention in its learning solutions.
In 2023, the brand assumes the position of a vanguard ideas laboratory that produces studies, articles, research, and immersive experiences. Bossa is an irreverent and contemporary reference on topics related to the future of work, organizational design, corporate learning, essential leadership, and shared value.

Expansion in corporate learning

The year 2022 marks a new expansion leap for the group with the acquisition of Afferolab. The learning company brought expertise and reputation in its luggage – it had its base in the creation of Lab SSJ in 1992, and more than two decades later, in 2013, it joined Affero, one of the largest corporate education companies in the country at the time. , to form Afferolab. The company gains intellectual renewal and technological investment in its corporate learning solutions upon joining the group. In 2023, Afferolab starts to position itself in the Empowered Learning territory.
The acquisition consolidates the group's corporate learning tower, which is established with two organizational development verticals: a pillar of culture and leadership consulting (BMI) and another of corporate learning (Afferolab), both supported by a think tank (Bossa.etc).

House of Brains

Based on its solid strategic positioning as a leading HCM provider in Brazil, the group has been strongly committed to inorganic growth and market consolidation. House of Brains appears in 2023 as a holding brand to consolidate the group's growth. The HOB platform is currently positioned as a comprehensive company of complete HCM solutions. In 2024, Wisnet Consulting was fully incorporated by HOB, mainly focused on leadership development and team performance consulting.

Density and beauty

Inherited from the beginnings of BMI, created to be a world-class consultancy in its sector, the excellence that has always been the group's trademark stands out at House of Brains. The characteristic is imprinted both in the intellectual production and in the appreciation of impeccable aesthetics, manifested in the headquarters' impeccable decoration and the visual presentation of the authorial content, organizational development projects, and learning solutions of its brands.

House of Brains has a lot to be proud of. In more than two decades, the group has invested in excellence and integrity to build and consolidate:
1. The reputation of the organization and its leaders in the Brazilian market;
2. The quality of authorial production of knowledge, with proprietary theses and methodologies;
3. The high level of human capital of consultants and specialists;
4. Financial investment capacity superior to many competitors;
5. The basis of strategic relationships with the largest companies in the country.